AutoClicker for Android APK Latest Version (2023)

Download Autoclicker APK for Android for free!

Download Autoclicker for Android to automate any repetitive task on your phone or play games autonomously without having to operate your phone the whole time. The software allows you to automate any repetitive task on your smartphone by recording every tap, swipe, and gesture that you do on your android screen.

This is a very useful feature for people who like to play games like Minecraft or do some repetitive tasks such as data entry work on their smartphones. Just record a custom script while performing the task only once and the app will allow you to repeat the task for an indefinite amount of time and exactly as you recorded so that you can sit back and relax while the auto clicker software does its magic for you and gets the job done without you having to put in the time and effort yourself.

AutoClicker for Android APK Latest Version

Download AutoClicker for Android


Android Autoclicker Features

  • Small size

Android Autoclicker is small in size which means you can easily download it on your smartphone or android-based tablet without having to spend a lot of data in the process. You can also install it on an older device thanks to the overall small size of the installer file.

  • Fast 

Autoclicker for Android is very lightweight which makes it fast and reliable. The app does not require a lot of processing power and is very basic in nature because all it does is repeat the pre-recorded scripts on your phone and repeat the actions that have been previously recorded in the same exact manner.

  • Record macros

Autoclicker for Android helps you record custom scripts for any Repetitive task that you want to repeat on your device autonomously. You can just perform any action with tabs and zooms on your android device and record them in a macro which you can then play on your device to repeat the same action over and over again any number of times.

  • Record custom combinations

The Autoclicker app helps you record custom combinations in a specific app that you want to automate and have it running definitely on a particular script. These in-app scripts are very useful when you want to automate some functions in a particular app itself.

  • Swipe and zoom functions

Autoclicker for Android doesn’t only record all the tabs on the screen but also every swipe and zoom gesture that you perform on your android device. This will truly Record every action that you do on your screen and save them as scrips.

  • Different themes

You can select between many different themes of Android Autoclicker on your android device depending on the overall theme and aesthetics of your Android device.

  • Edit macros

You can also edit the macros to add or remove any particular tap or gesture from the script so that you don’t have wasted clicks that or unintentional and might cause some problems down the line. You can easily make changes to all the inputs and selectively remove or add some gestures so that you don’t have to record the same macro over and over again until you get it exactly right.

  • Adjust playback speed

Android Autoclicker gives you the ability to increase or decrease the playback speed of any particular macro so that you can adjust it exactly the way you want. It is also useful because some apps do not allow the use of auto clicker software and if the app is running very fast then this may trigger the cord that might catch you using the Autoclicker. 

How does Android Auto Clicker Work?

Auto clicker works by faking the taps and clicks on your android device. it is a very simple and straightforward app to use and operate. You will first need to download the auto-clicker app on your device and then use the installer file to install Autoclicker for Android. 

Run the app on your phone and press on record to start recording the macros which mean the software will keep track of every input that you make on your device and save them in a script. You can now play the script and see if the actions that are being performed by the auto clicker or as you have intended and if you are satisfied with the result then you can go ahead and save the scrips for future use. 

You can also edit the inputs that you have provided while recording and easily eliminate all the unwanted inputs that might interfere with the loop while the auto clicker is working. You can put a timer on how long you want the auto clicker to keep performing the same action over and over again or run it indefinitely until you manually stop the program when the said work is done but this will require you to monitor your phone at all times which is not ideal while using an auto clicker because it will only waste your time.

Uses of Autoclicker for Android 

  • Gaming

Android Auto clickers are mostly used for gaming as many games use some sort of repetitive task to mine for an app currency or to progress the levels in the game. The app allows you to record your actions and then repeat them so that you can play the game autonomously and go through the boring part of the game without having to sit there and keep doing the same thing over and over again until you cross the level.

  • Data entry

Data entry is an inherently repetitive task that is serious work but can be easily automated as well. The Android Autoclicker fakes clicks and all the gestures that you make on your android device so that you can autonomously work and complete the task by recording just 1 perfect loop of the work.

  • Automated texting

If you do mass media outreach where you have to text a lot of people from a list then you can automate the whole process by making a perfect look of texting one person out of the list. This can really speed up your workflow and free your time to do other things without having to compromise.