
AutoClicker.info is the home for all Auto Clickers. AutoClicker is software that allows the user to automatically mouse click on their device so that they can automate a repetitive task that can be performed automatically for an indefinite amount of time until it is stopped.

AutoClicker software is mostly used by people who want to automate a particular task on their devices.

This task can range from a repetitive mouse clicking on one spot to placing an order automatically when something becomes available so you don’t have to monitor it manually and spend a lot of time waiting around for the product to become available.

The biggest use case, however, is the repetitive action games like Minecraft and Roblox where you have to mine materials with a pitchfork constantly in order to collect them and make new products.

You can even use an auto clicker on your phone to automate any repetitive tasks on the mobile device or a tablet and it does not matter what operating system you are using because the auto clicker is available on multiple different platforms including Android and iOS.

There are unlimited uses of the auto clicker software on your device and you can keep using it for free as long as you want without having to navigate your way through ads or performance drops as the app is pretty bad born and does not have any distracting ads in its user interface.

It is also very small in size so you will be able to download it on any of your devices and run it without having to worry too much about the age of the device as it can run on pretty much every device you have.